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The Car Dealer Changed Our Deal

David Humphreys Jan. 21, 2025

Navigating Financing Disputes with Dealers in New Mexico

When shopping for new or used vehicle, one of the most crucial factors to evaluate is the financing terms. Unfortunately, this happens at the end of the sale and when you as the consumer are most likely both worn down and excited to go home with your new purchase. 

Dealership make most of their money in the finance office where there is extreme pressure to sell add-on products and to gain an advantage over you in arranging financing on your behalf.  

Your strongest weapon is to pay careful attention before you sign anything at a dealership. Do not put your trust in the dealer to correctly write up the contracts. 

Did you know that car dealerships can secretly increase your interest rate and pocket the extra profit? Many lenders even set the limit on how much money the dealer can make by doing this to you. 

Disputes regarding financing terms during the purchase of a new or used vehicle may emerge for if you miss changes in interest rates, added months on the loan term, hidden charges, or undisclosed information that significantly affects the amount you pay.  

If you feel scammed or would like an opinion on your rights after financing a vehicle at a New Mexico car dealership, please contact us. Be sure to name the car dealer and describe the way you were treated.